1823 01 21 : 02 : Account for 42 gallons of tobacco liquor

21 Jan 1823 (2). ACCOUNT FOR 42 GALLONS OF TOBACCO LIQUOR. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 3” x 7”. Tobacco liquor was used in gardening as an insecticide. William GRAHAM appears to have been short changed – he only received 8 pence per gallon! No: 4. Wm. GRAHAM Tobacco Liquor £ 1 ~ 8 ~ 0 —————————— Jany 21. 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1823 Penrith Jany 8th Sir Philip MUSGRAVES Bart. Detr. to Wm GRAHAM for 42 Galls. Tobo. Liquar at 1/8d per Gallon £ “ s “ d £ 1 “ 8 “ 0 Rsevd the a Bove ——————— [signed] Wm GRAHAM
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