1833 07 02 : 02 : Subscription, Soc. for Relief of Necessitous Clergy

02 Jul 1833 (2). SUBSCRIPTION, SOC. FOR RELIEF OF NECESSITOUS CLERGY. A neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. C 316. R 62. Revd. J: JACKSON Relief of Necessits. Clergy £ 3 ~ 3 ~ 0 ———————————————— July 2d. 1833. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Little Salkeld July 2nd. 1833 Received from Mr. DIXON the Sum of three Guineas being there yearly payments of the Subscription for Sir C. J. MUSGRAVE Bart: for the years 1830, 1831 & 1832 to the Society for the Relief of Nescessitous Clergyment in the Diocese of Carlisle – [signed] John JACKSON
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