1783 07 29 : Curate of Westward's salary receipt

29 Jul 1783. CURATE OF WESTWARD’S SALARY RECEIPT. A fresh, neat and clean receipt. 6” x 5”. C. 156 R. 94. Curate of Westwd Salary 8 : 0 : 0 29. July 1783 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recd. July 22. 1783 of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE of Eden Hall Bart. by the Payment of John THOMPSON of Clea Mire the Sum of eight Pounds, being one Half Year’s Payment, due to the Curate of Westward on the 25th. of last April by [signed] Samuel HALLIFAX Curate of Westward 29. July 1783 Recd. of Chr: DOBSON the full contents of the above by me [signed] John THOMPSON
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