1857 02 20 : Pay receipt for watching game at Baron Wood

20 Feb 1857. PAY RECEIPT FOR WATCHING GAME AT BARON WOOD. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt with a one penny stamp. 4” x 7”. C 16. R 179. Jas. MOOR Watcher £ 4 “ 14 “ 0 ——————————— February 20 1857 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall Feby 20 1857 Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart by payment of Mr: DIXON Four Pounds 14s/. for Watching Game at Baron Wood & Wood End 47 Nights at 2s/. per night ~~~~~~~ £ 4 “ 14 “ 0 [signed] James MOOR ~~~~~~~~~ Ex B. A
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