1824 08 05 : 02 : Account for gin from George Inn, Kirkoswald

05 Aug 1824 (2). ACCOUNT FOR GIN FROM GEORGE INN, KIKRKOSWALD. A neat account. 5” x 7”. Mary JEFFERSON was the landlady at the George Inn, Kirkoswald, from at least 1805 to 1828. C R 115 Mary JEFFERSON Gin £ 3 ~ 12 ~ 6 ———————————- Augt. 5. 1824 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirkoswald Aug 4. 1823 [later addition in pencil:] THE GEORGE INN Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. To Mary JEFFERSON Dr 1823 July 17 To 5 Gallons of Gin } £ S D at 14s. 6d per Gallon } 3 ~ 12 ~ 6 for a Wood Sale at Baron Wood - ——————- £ 3 . 12 . 6 1824 ——————- 5. August by Cash [signed] Mary JEFFERSON [calculations in pencil:] –14 5 —————— 2/70 - ———- 3 – 10 – 2 – 6 ——————- 3 – 12 – 6 –
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