1823 02 14 : Disbursements account for expenses in Carlisle

14 Feb 1823. DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT FOR EXPENSES IN CARLISLE. A neat and clean detailed account. 16” x 6”. C R 66 Henry PEARSON cash paid £ 26 ~ 19 ~ 9 ——————————— Feby 14 1823 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. M: P. To Henry PEARSON Dr. 1821 Decr. 18 Paid Lady MUSGRAVE’s Subscription } 2 2 “ to the female visiting Society } Lent you when in Carlisle “ 7 “ Paid your Subscription to the Carlisle } News Room for the year ending 1821 } 1 5 “ do. your subscription to Mrs. IRVINGs Ball “ 5 “ 1822. April 23rd. Paid Lady MUSGRAVEs } Subscription to the Blanket Society } 1 “ “ Paid Postage of Letters from Mr. BIRKETT } at various times respecting his Election Bill } “ 10 “ June 7. Gave Catherine GADDES a poor woman } who was very ill at your request } 5 5 “ Do. further she continuing very Poorly 2 2 – Postage of Letters from Mr. DIXON “ 1 3 July 13 Paid your Subscription to the Central School 3 3 “ Septr. 30 Gave a Blindman for walking on the } Swifts at your request } “ 5 “ Paid your Subscription to wrestling 2 2 “ Paid your Brothers 1 1 “ Octr. 3rd. Paid your dinner and Supper Bill } at Coffee House } “ 10 6 28 Paid Carriage of a Parcel “ 1 “ Novr. 29 Paid Horsehire “ 7 “ Paid your Subscription to the Carlisle } News Room for the year ending 1822 } 1 5 “ Paid for 12 Silk Handkerchiefs at 7/6 4 10 “ do. for 2 Black do. “ 18 “ ——————— £ 26 19 9 ———————