1731 05 06 : Manor of Bleatarn, Court Baron jury verdict

06 May 1731. MANOR OF BLEATARN, COURT BARON JURY VERDICT. A neat and clean manorial court document. 12” x 7”. Bleatarn Verdict 6th. May 1731o. —————————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maner~ de } Cur~ Leet & Vis~ Franc~ Pleg~ Cur~ Baron~ ac Cur~ Customar~ Chr~i Bleatarn } MUSGRAVE Barrtti. D~ni man~ij prd~ lent~ apud Bleatarn in & pro man~io prd~ Sexto die Maij An~o r~ni D~ni Georgij Se~di nunc Regis Magne Britann~ &c quarto Annoqe D~ni 1731 per Thomam SIMPSON gen~ Seneschall~ Cur~ ibid~ –– No~ia Jur~ ad inquirend~ pro D~no Man~io prd~ Rege ac D~no Man~ij Prd~ Joh~es RICHARDSON Jur~ Joh~es ROBINSON } Ric~us RICHARDSON Jur~ Ric~us RICHARDSON } Thomas LAMBART } Chris~ STEADMAN Edv~us HOLLYDAY } Thomas ABRAM } Jur~ Isaacus WILSON Chris RUDD } Jur~ Georgius PARK } Will~us SPOONER Joh~es WILSON } Qui quidm~ jur~ Jurat~ & ordat~ dicunt & prsentant Super Sacrm~ Sanctum in his Anglicanis verbis Sequen~ vizt. this 6 of May : 1731 : we ye. Jury of this manr. do ordr. thatt dot. Live [?] att or dwelling house in this manr. have Liberty to Gett : 2 Carte Load of Ling upon ye. Comon belonging to ye. sd. manr. provided they and evry one of them; have ye. sd. 2 Cart Loads Ready to Carry away ye. first Wednesday or Thursday afore ye. 15th. of June evry year – and nott before nor after in one year – nor any to Carry any Ling out of ye. sd. mannour – of Bleatarn – to Burn or make of use of upon – – Each Defaylter – – – 0 : 6 : 8 defoaltears Mr. PATISON for pooling and carring away Sum Ling out of ye. Lord Ship [four words rubbed out]

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