1819 12 22 : Subscriptions to Carlisle races & visiting society

22 Dec 1819. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO CARLISLE RACES & VISITING SOCIETY. Document offered by a different seller. No description of size or condition given. C R. 16 Robt. PORTER Carlisle Races £ 8 . 8 . 0 —————————- Decembr. 14 181[9] [postmark] CARLISLE 22 DE 22 290 [?] Mr DIXON Edenhall Penrith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlisle 22 Decr 1819 Mr. DIXON Sir Messrs ATKINSON & Cos. check upon the New Bank for Eight Guineas is recd., being payment for Sir P. MUSGRAVE Subscription to the Carlisle Subscriptins Plate sum for last Races 5 . 5 . 0 Mr. MUSGRAVE for the same 1 . 1 . 0 Lady MUSGRAVE Subscription to the Visiting Society 2 . 2 . – ————— £ 8 . 8 . – I am Sir Yr. *ob St [signed] Rob. PORTER
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