1735 04 13 : Account for well repairs at Blackwell Hall

13 Apr 1735. ACCOUNT FOR WELL REPAIRS AT BLACKWELL HALL. A neat detailed account. A bit weak on centre fold. 6” x 9”. Mr. EGLESFIELD Blackhall Well 0 : 13 : 10 : (9.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Account of Work done for Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE, at the Well in Blackwell hall Ground £ s d To 2 Cart load of Flaggs 00 : 01 : 02 To Carriage of the same 00 : 02 : 04 To one man 3 Days and ½ for working } and making the Well } 00 : 04 : 08 To Loading Cobbells and Clay to fix } about it } 00 : 01 : 08 For Labourer for Digging the Drain } from the Well to Caldew } 00 : 04 : 00 ——————— In all: 00 : 13 : 10 ——————— Aprill the 7th. 1735 Then Receivd. the full Contents of this Bill } £ s d from Lieutenant EAGLESFIELD for the Use of } 0 : 13 : 10 Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE. By Me - - - } [signed] Guy WARWICK 13 Apr: 1735 Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Chris: DOBSON thirteen shill: & ten pence in full of ye above Account per me [signed] Robt. EAGLESFIELD
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