1705 06 18 : Receipt from the curate of Ravenstonedale

18 Jun 1705. RECEIPT FROM THE CURATE OF RAVENSTONEDALE. A neat and clean receipt. 4” x 6”. Mr DALTON Receipt for 2£ – 10s – 6d due att Whitsontide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June the. 18th. 1705 Then Received from Sr. Christr: } = MUSGRAVE Barrott. the } Sume of two pound ten = } £ – s – d – Shillings & Sixpence being due } to ye Curate of Ravenstonedale } 2 – 10 – 6 att Whitsontide Last out of Blatarn: I Say } Received for his use – – } per [signed] Jeff: BORRETT
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