1853 05 20 : 01 : Account & letter about salmon from Newcastle

20 May 1853 (1). ACCOUNT & LETTER ABOUT SALMON FROM NEWCASTLE. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account and letter. 4” x 6”. C 348. R 30. Margt. HOPPER Salmon £ 1 “ 3 “ 7 —————————— May 3. 1853. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newcastle Sir George MUSGRAVE Bt. 1853 To Margaret HOPPER Dr April 26 To A Salmon 11½ lb @ 1/9 1 0 1½ Box &c 3 6 ———————- £ 1 3 7½ ========= Mrs. M. HOPPER The Side Newcastle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newcastle May 20/53 Mr George DIXON Sir / I received a P. O. Order for £ 1 “ 3 “ 7. & sent an acknowledgement by return of Post, addressed to Sir George MUSGROVE Bt. I regret the trouble you have had on the subject & waiting your further orders. Sir Your Obedient Servant [signed] Margaret HOPPER

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