1827 10 23 : 01 : Account for carriage of arms for yeomanry

23 Oct 1827 (1). ACCOUNT FOR CARRIAGE OF ARMS FOR YEOMANRY. A neat and clean account. 8” x 6”. C 116. R 163. Serjt. Majr. BAR. Carriage of Arms 7/~ ———————————- October 23d. 1827. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1826 / Sir P. MUSGRAVE Dr. to John BARR Serjt. Major of the Westmorland Yeomanry Cavalry June 6th to Carriage of Arms & Ammunition From Lowther Castle to Edenhall Sepr. 21st. and from Edenhall to Lowther Castle on Sir P. MUSGRAVE Account, Two Journeys, at 3s/6d Each £ 0 7 ~ 0 1827 Octr. 22nd. Recd. the Above of Mr. DIXON [signed] John BARR S M
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