1751 03 25 : 04 : Disbursements account for Birkett Grove mine

25 Mar 1751 (4). DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNT FOR BIRKETT GROVE MINE. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 4” x 6”. Disburstmts: per Chr DOBSON on Accot: of Birket Grove Given the Miners to Drink when Sr: Phil: was } at Birket in Octr. 1750 } 0 : 10 : 6 Paid Richd HARRISONs Charges on Viewing Do: 0 : 9 : 6 A Harden Frock for Surveying Do: 0 : 3 : 10 Charges at Viewing the Same 7 Journeys 1 : 17 : 8 ——————- 3 : 1 : 6 ——————- 25 March 1751. Placed to Sr. Ph: MUSGRAV’s Accot: thre pods: one Shill. & Six pence in full of all Exps. laid out for Birket Grove till this Day per [signed] Chr DOBSON
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