1824 09 30 : Account for watching game on the moors

30 Sep 1824. ACCOUNT FOR WATCHING GAME ON THE MOORS. A neat and clean account. 4” x 7”. C R 171 Robt. HUTCHINSON Watching Game £ 3 ~ 6 ~ 0 —————————— Septbr. 30, 1824 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. DIXON To Robt. HUTCHINSON Dr. For Watching the Moors from the 19th. July } £ s d to the 31st. Augt. both inclusive being six } 3 ~ 6 ~ 0 weeks and two Days at 10s/6d pr. week } —————- 1824 Sept. 30 Settled [signed] Wm. ROBINSON For Robt. HUTCHINSON
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