1735 03 26 : Disbursements for Goldington Hall, Appleby

26 Mar 1735. DISBURSEMENTS FOR GOLDINGTON HALL, APPLEBY. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 9” x 5”. Disbursmts: for Gouldington Hall in Appleby pd by Mr. Henry SOWLEY & John MOORE from Martinmas 1733 to Martins: 1734 —————————————————————————————————————- xbr. ye 27 : 1733 pd: per Mr SOWLEY to Willm: } £ s d SAVAGE Bellingham Rent as per aqtns: } 00 : 04 : 00 Do. xbr. ye: 27 1733 Do. a Land Tax as per aqts 00 : 00 : 06 Do. the House Grate 4s : 6d and Staple 1d.½ in all 00 : 04 : 07½ two Beedsteeds wth: Coards and Matts as per bil 00 : 13 : 10 May ye: 26 1734 to John ATKINSON Church assess 00 : 01 : 06 Do. ye 26 1734 to Geo: LOUGH poor Assess 00 : 00 : 09 Do. ye 26 Do to James PARKIN window assess 00 : 01 : 00 7ber ye: 26 1734 pd to James PARKIN Poor assess 00 : 00 : 09 Do. ye 30 1734 pd to Thos. TEASDALE wind: assess 00 : 01 : 00 Octobr. ye 26 1734 pd to Heugh WILKINSON Land } ——————————- Tax as per aqtt —————————— } 00 : 01 : 00 7br. 13: 1734 pd to Lan MUNKHOUSE window ass: } Due to be payd by Mr. SOWLEY ——————— } 00 : 01 : 00 pd. to Thos. ROBERTSON as yeat in dispute augt: ye: 13 1734 To John BOWNAS a Lock mending 00 : 00 : 04 Do: the Barn Rent for Laying of Coals in 00 : 05 : 00 ———————— 1 = 15 3½ 26 Mar: 1735 Recd. of Sr. Chr: MUSGRAVE Bart. per Chr: DOBSON the Sum~e of one pound fifteen Shills. & three pence in full of this Bill per me [signed] John MOORE