1865 01 26 : 01 : Brusselton quarryman's account

26 Jan 1865 (1). BRUSSELTON QUARRYMAN’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account with an Inland Revenue one penny stamp. 11” x 6”. C 342 R 16 John CLEMINSON Quarryman. £ 2 . 18 . 7½. ———————————— Jany. 26. 1865. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1863 Brusselton Quarry Sir Geo. MUSGROVE Bart Octr To John CLEMINSON 20 By Jos HOPPS £ S D Rublestone 9 load at 6d 4 6 1864 Octr 4th Do 6 load at 6 3 0 25 Quoin at 6 each 12 6 3 Do 2 . 0 x 12 x 9 9d 2 3 5th 16 Do 6 8 0 Rublestone 7 load 6 3 6 6th Do 7 Do 6 3 6 14 Quoins 6 7 0 8th Rublestone 2 load 6 1 0 10 14 Quoins 6 7 0 14 Longstone 9 St 4½ 3 4½ Sand 1 load 1 0 Mr TAPLINs Farm Nov 8 Sand 2 load 1/ 2 0 ——————— £ 2 18 7½ ======== Janry 26th S Settled [signed] John CLEMINSON
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