1857 03 13 : 02 : Account for Low Mill dam repairs after flood

Update on Friday, February 24, 2012 at 5:59PM by
Petra Mitchinson

13 Mar 1857 (2). ACCOUNT FOR LOW MILL DAM REPAIRS AFTER FLOOD. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 3” x 6”. C 20. R 226. Ino. BELL Repairing Mill Dam £ ~ “ 15 “ 0 ———————————— March 13 1857 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1857 Sir George MUSGRAVE To John BELL To Spiling and Repairing at the Low Mill Bay head. dammage dun by the great flod 15s –––– March 10 Settled [signed] John BELL £ 0 15 – 0
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