1853 04 26 : 02 : Account for geld cows

26 Apr 1853 (2). ACCOUNT FOR GELD COWS. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 8” x 6”. C 346. R 19. David HILL Cattle £ 108 “ 2 “ 0 ————————— April 26. 1853 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart To David HILL Dr. ============== 1853 £ s d Ap. 25 To 2 Geld Cows 12£/5s 13£/5s 25 10 0 “ To 4 ditto @ 12£/10s 50 0 0 “ To 1 ditto nearly Fat 17 0 0 “ To 1 ditto ditto 16 0 0 ————————————————————————————————- 8 Cows. 108 10 0 ====== Returned “ 8 0 ============ £ 108 2 0 ================= 1853 Ap. 26 Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart by payment of Mr. DIXON one Hundred and Eight Pounds 2s/. for 8 Geld Cows for feeding as above [signed] David HILL