1848 07 27 : 02 : Account of Auckland income tax allowances

27 Jul 1848 (2). ACCOUNT OF AUCKLAND INCOME TAX ALLOWANCES. A neat and clean account. 8” x 7”. C 92. R 128. Sundry Persons Auckld. Income Tax £ 35 “ 8 “ 7 ———————————— July 27. 1848 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sundry Persons Auckland Income Tax 1848 £ s d William ROBINSON Auckland 4 17 1 Thomas BURROW Au. 7 5 10 Messrs. BURROW Brussleton 3 10 0 Henry WALKER Thickley 1 3 4 Robert LABRON Hill Top 1 1 0 Messrs. PARKER Thickley 3 10 0 Henry STOBART & Co. Sloshes 1 4 6 William BLADES Woodhouses “ 8 11 Messrs. PEASE & Co. Collieries 11 19 2 Messrs. CLEMMISON Quarry “ 8 9 £ 35 “ 8 “ 7 ================ 1848 July 27. Placed to Sir George MUSGRAVEs a/c Thirty Five Pounds 8/7 the amount of Income Tax allowed to Sundry Persons in the County of Durham as above by me [signed] L S DIXON
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