1796 02 02 : 01 : Blackhall hay tithe prescription receipt

02 Feb 1796 (1). BLACKHALL HAY TITHE PRESCRIPTION RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 7”. C. 142. R. 42. R. WALDIE Blackl. Prescription 0 ~ 13 ~ 4 2d. Feby. 1796. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received 10th. Novr. 1795 of Sir John C. MUSGRAVE Bart. by Jona: OLDMAN thirteen Shillings and four Pence for one year Prescription for the Tithe of Hay at Blackhall Demesne due at Old Martinmas last past to Messrs. LAMB, SCOTT, WALDIE & Co. for whose use Received by me £ 0 ~ 13 ~ 4 [signed] Rt [?] WALDIE Placed to Acct. 2d. Feby. 1796 by Jona: OLDMAN
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