1865 01 16 : Account from Staddle Bridge brick & tile works

16 Jan 1865. ACCOUNT FROM STADDLE BRIDGE BRICK & TILE WORKS. A fresh, very neat and clean printed billhead with an Inland Revenue one penny stamp. 6” x 6”. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. The proprietors were William and John HOOD, father and son. BRICK AND TILE WORKS, STADDLE BRIDGE, 18 64 Sir G MUSGRAVE DR. TO W. AND J. HOOD. 1865 ================================================================== £ “ s “ d Jan 5 to 9700 No 2 Pipes 18/s Per th 8 “ 15 “ 0 1865 Jan 16 settled by [signed] John HOOD £ 8 “ 15 “ 0