1710 01 28 : Surety bond by Edward WILSON of Musgrave

28 Jan 1709/10. SURETY BOND BY EDWARD WILSON OF MUSGRAVE. A neat document. A bit grubby on the back with some weakish folds, but very clean on the front. 6” x 8”. Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE (4th Bart.) had already died in 1704, but the fine on his death payable to the new Lord of the Manor, his grandson Sir Christopher MUSGRAVE (5th Bart.), was not due until the new Lord came of age, which was in December 1709. Edw WILSON Security £ 22. ————- 3 15 ————- 18 5 19 Novbr 1714 Recd per CG: 4£ : 0 : 0 A 1 . B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memorandum that I Edward WILLSON of Musgrave in ye County of Westmrland yeom~ doe hereby promise to pay unto Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE Bart. the Sum~e of Twenty two pounds. – – of Lawfull money of great Britaine in manner followeing, that is to say the sum~e of Eleaven pounds – – part thereof on the Eleaventh day of November next ensueing the date hereof And the Sum~e of Eleaven pounds. – – – Residue thereof on the feast day of Pentecost which shall be in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand Seaven Hundred and Eleaven being for my Gen~all Arbitrary Fines due to him upon the death of Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE Knt. & Bart. his Grand Father deced late, Lord of the Mannor of Edenhall Musgrave in the said County of Cumberland Westmorland and further I the said Edward WILLSON, doe hereby Consent and Agree that if I doe not pay the said Sum~e of Twenty two pounds in manner as aforesaid That then it shall be at the Election of the said Sr. Christopher MUSGRAVE Bart. either to bring his Act~on upon this Note for Recovery of the said Fine or to bring his Act~on of Tresspas and Ejectmt. or any other Act~on for Recovery of the Lands for which the same Fine is due and payable; As Witnesse my hand the Twenty eight day of February January Anno Dm~ 1709 / Signed in the presence of us / [signed] Ja BIRD [signed] Edward WILSON [signed] John PATTENSON [signed] Jeff BECK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dec – 21 – 1711 Recd of Edw WILSON the } sum of Three pounds Fifteen shillings } being in pt of the with in mencioned } 3 15 Generall Fine I say Recd } per me [signed] J BECK.