1865 01 31 : 01 : Christmas treat account for Penrith workhouse

31 Jan 1865 (1). CHRISTMAS TREAT ACCOUNT FOR PENRITH WORKHOUSE. A fresh, very neat and clean account with an Inland Revenue one penny stamp. 7” x 4”. C 344 R 1 David NICHOL. Workhouse Treat. £ 10 . 18 . 8 . ——————————— Jan. 31. 1865. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xmas Cheer given to the inmates of the Union Workhouse Penrith by Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart. E. Hall ———————————————————————————— £ s d J. WILKINSON Butcher 3 . 16 . 5½ G. ATKINSON Miller 1 . 11 . 6 E. HETHERINGTON Grocer 3 . 4 . 4½ T. GLASSON Brewer 1 . 1 . 0 J. FENTIN Farmer “ 5 . 4 ——————— £ 9 . 18 . 8 Present to Matron 1 . 0 . 0 ——————— £ 10 . 18 . 8 ========= Jany. 31. 1865 By cash — — £ 10 . 18 . 8 with thanks [signed] David NICHOL Decr. 26th. 1864 [signed] D. NICHOL