1838 11 06 : Detailed farrier's account

06 Nov 1838. DETAILED FARRIER’S ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account. 10” x 6”. C 172. R 19. Ino: WALKER Farrier £ 2 “ 8 “ 0 ———————————- November 6. 1838. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Geoge. MUSGRAVE Bart. – Penrith 1838 To Ino. WALKER 1836 Augst 24th. Bottle Lotion for Pony Leg 2 6 One of Physic 1 6 Sep 13th Blistering Ointment Got 2 0 Oct 20th Blooding Poney and Medicine 2 6 1837 Janry 22 Journey to Gray Mare 2 6 Medicines Given 3 6 Doze of Medicine Left 1 6 23rd. 2 Medicines got for Bullocks 3 6 1838 March 1st. Journey to Cow 2 6 Medicine given & 1 Left 3 6 4 Bottle Tincture for Horse Back 2 0 Ap 20 Journey to Foal 2 6 Medicine Given & Left 3 6 Aug 28 Journey to Cow 2 6 Medicine Given & 1 Left 3 6 10 Journey to Cow 2 6 Medicine Given & 1 Left 3 0 19 do Got for Cow 1 6 Sep 23 Do Do Do 1 6 27 Do Do Do 1 6 ————- Novr 6 setled £ 2 “ 8 “ 0 [signed] J WALKER =======

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