1838 11 27 : Charcoal burners' account

27 Nov 1838. CHARCOAL BURNERS’ ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account. 8” x 6”. C 176. R 69. Sundry Persons Burning Charcoal £ 22 “ 15 “ 8 ———————————— November 27. 1838. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1838 an account of Men employed at Baron wood Cutting wood for Char Coal and Making Char Coal, bingining the 2nd Day of July and finishing Sepr 14. £ s d John PARK 10 weeks and 5 Days at 1£ – 1S – 0D 11 5 0 Wm LITTLE 10 weeks and 1 Day at 10s/ pr 5 1 8 John HENDERSON 10 weeks at 11s/ per week 5 10 0 Horse and Cart 9½ at 2s/0 per Day 19 0 ======== £ 22 15 8 Witness [signed] Solomon HODGSON