1782 05 14 : Grocer's account for Kent hops & corks

14 May 1782. GROCER’S ACCOUNT FOR KENT HOPS & CORKS. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 4” x 6”. Ino. FALLOWFIELD Groceries 0 ~ 4 ~ 9 ——————- 14th. May 1782 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1781 Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. £ S D To John FALLOWFIELD Octr. 3d. 3lb. best Kent Hops at 8d. – 2 0 1782 Feby. 5th. ½ Gross Corks at 18d/- – – 9 April 30th. 3lb. best Kent. Hops at 8d. – 2 0 ====== £ 0 4 9 ====== 14th. May 1782 Recd. of Chr: DOBSON four Shillings & Nine pence in full of the above by me [signed] John FALLOWFIELD
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