1830 08 05 : Account for ale

05 Aug 1830. ACCOUNT FOR ALE. A fresh, very neat and clean account. 3” x 6”. No. 6. Elizth. STEVENSON Ale 5/3 ————————————- Augt. 5th. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1830 Sir Christopher John MUSGRAVE S D Bought of Eliz STEPHENSON April 10th. 2 quarts of ale } 1 2 Do 16th. 3 pints of ale } for Cow Drinks 0 10½ Do 27th. 3 pints of Do } 0 10½ May 29th. 4 quarts of Do by NOBLE taking Foxes 2 4 ——— her S 5 3 August. 5..1830 Settled E. X STEPHENSON ==== mark
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