1848 06 12 : 01 : Wages receipt for a stable boy

Update on Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 6:44PM by
Petra Mitchinson

12 Jun 1848 (1). WAGES RECEIPT FOR A STABLE BOY. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 4” x 7”. C 84. R 61. Ino: WATERSON Stable Boy £ 5 “ 0 “ 0 ——————————— June 12. 1848 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall June 12. 1848 Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of Mr. DIXON Five Pounds for Half a Years Wages as Stable Helper at Whitsuntide 1848. ~~~~~~~~ £ 5 . 0 . 0 [signed] John WATTERSON ~~~~~~~~