1830 10 29 : Laundry maid's wages receipt

29 Oct 1830. LAUNDRY MAID’S WAGES RECEIPT. A fresh, very neat and clean wages receipt with impressed duty stamp. 3” x 8”. C 218. R 148. Elizth. SMITH Laundrymaid £ 17 “ 1 “ 3 ———————————- October 29th. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ——————- £ 17 ~ 1 ~ 3 Edenhall October 29th. 1830 ——————- Received of the Revd. Sir C. J. MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of L S DIXON the Sum of Seventeen Pounds 1s/3d for 13 Months wages at the rate of 15£/15s perannum from Sepr. 1 1829 – by me [signed] Elizabeth SMITH
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