1792 - 1834 : Twenty banking letters from WRIGHT & Co.

1792-1834. TWENTY BANKING LETTERS FROM WRIGHT & CO. A selection of 20 banking letters/documents from Wright & Co, Bankers, London, mostly postally used. They mainly concern bank transfers of large amounts of monies to/from Glynns, Sikes, Barclays and Mures. An interesting little original batch of early private banking heritage. A brief history of Wrights & Co, London, 1699-1840: This private bank was established in 1699 in Covent Garden, London, as a goldsmithing business by William Wright. Between 1729 and 1754 the firm moved to premises at the sign of ‘The Golden Cup’, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. In 1813 it became known as Wrights & Co. The firm failed in 1840 for £1 million, and the premises were acquired by Commercial Bank of London. Via various mergers and takeovers they became part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group. There were images of 16 address panels (one with steward’s summary), four further steward’s summaries, and 6 letters, shown on eBay. Three of the steward’s summaries could be linked to letters shown. All letters (with their steward’s summaries if available) have been listed separately according to their dates. The following address panels and steward’s summaries could not be linked with any certainty to any of the letters shown: 5 address panels to (variously abbreviated): Mr. Jonathan OLDMAN, Edenhall near Penrith, Cumberland One of them with steward’s summary: Sir C. J. MUSGRAVE Cash 400 ~ 0 ~ 0 —————————————— 5th. April 1796. 7 addressed to (with slight variations): Revd. Joseph BRISCO, Edenhall, Penrith 3 addressed to (with slight variations): L. S. DIXON Esqr., Edenhall, Penrith 1 addressed to: Mr. L. S. DIXON, Fogclose, Carlisle Steward’s summary (not connected to any of the displayed letters): C. 88. R. 79. Sir Ph: MUSGRAVE Cash 200 ~ 0 ~ 0 21st. June 1792.
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