1806 05 09 : Edenhall Court Baron verdict

09 May 1806. EDENHALL COURT BARON VERDICT. A fresh, neat and clean document. A bit dusty on the back. 13” x 8”. Two sides. 9th. May 1806 Manor } of } Verdict Edenhall } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manor } of } The Court Baron and Customary Court of Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE Edenhall } Baronet Lord of the said Manor holden at the School House in Edenhall in and for the said Manor on Saturday the ninth day of May 1806 Before Edward GRAVE Steward of the said Court. Names of the Jurors Thos. TINKLER } { John DAYSON Thomas DALTON } { John GRAHAM William HODGSON } Sworn { Thomas MOSES Thomas WATSON } { Robert CANNON Thomas Joseph RAILTON } { Thomas STEPHENSON Joseph DALTON } { John DALTON John PUGMIRE } { Christopher WESTERN Which said Jury being Sworn and Charged present as follows We present and find that Samuel SOULBY hath by Deed bearing Date the 8th day of May instant Sold and Conveyed unto Margaret the Wife of fine William HODGSON her Heir and Assigns All that Dwelling House 4 “ 15 . 0 Backhouse Stable and Garden in Sandgate in Penrith with the Appurtenances within the said Manor of the Yearly Customary Rent of six Shillings and other Duties and Services – And that the said Margaret the Wife of Wm. HODGSON ought to be Admitted Tenant We also present and find that Isaac MONKHOUSE and Sarah his Wife fine have by Deed dated the second day of April 1805. sold and conveyed 21 “ 0 “ 0 unto John WILLIAMSON a close called Low Tinker Close only by **tancation [?] several Closes and Parcels of Land appurtenances &c within the said Manor of the yearly ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Customary Rent of five Shillings and four pence and other duties and Fine services and that the said John WILLIAMSON ought to be admitted Tenant subject to the life Estate of the said Sarah MONKHOUSE of and in the said Premises. We present and find that Thomas MULCASTER is dead since the last Court seized of a dwelling House and Garden in Sandgate of the yearly 7 “ 0 “ 0 Customary Rent of six Shillings and other duties and services and we find MULCASTER his eldest Son and Heir at Law. [signed] Thos. TINKLER [signed] Thomas DALTON [signed] William HODGSON [signed] Thos WATSON [signed] Joseph RAILTON [signed] Joseph DALTON his John + PUGMIRE mark [signed] John DAYSON [signed] John GRAHAM [signed] Thomas MOSES [signed] Robert CANNON [signed] Thomas STEPHENSON [signed] John DALTON his Chr. X WESTERN mark The fines above Assessed I order to be Paid at Edenhall on the 1st. Day of May next [signed] Ed GRAVE Steward ~
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