1857 02 17 : 01 : Detailed watchmaker & jeweller's account

17 Feb 1857 (1). DETAILED WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER’S ACCOUNT. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account. 7” x 4”. C 14. R 159. Jos: SQUIRES Watchmaker &c. £ 1 “ 7 “ 0 ——————————— February 17. 1857 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir, G. MUSGRAVE Bt. To Jos. SQUIRE 1856 January 26th Clind and Repd Miss MUSGROVE a Silver Gevey [?] Watch 3 “ 6 Aple 3th Repd Miss M a Bag Broch 2 “ 6 “ Repd a Ivory Chair [or Chain?] 2 “ 0 “ Repd Gold Locket and Braclet 3 “ 6 “ Repd a Watch 3 “ 6 7th Repd a Gold Ring and Sett } new Stones to Do } 4 “ 0 19 Miss Agnes M a Best Gevery [?] Glass } and Repd Watch } 3 “ 6 June 20 a Super fine Glass to } a Small Watch } 2 “ 0 25 a new Silver Joint to } Mr. P. MUSGROVE meshan } 2 “ 6 Pipe } ————————- £ 1 “ 7 “ 0 ————————- Settled [signed] Jos SQUIRE Feby 17th 1857
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