1827 10 23 : 02 : Wood turner's account

23 Oct 1827 (2). WOOD TURNER’S ACCOUNT. A neat and clean detailed account. 4” x 7”. C 116. R 162. Ino: ROBINSON Turner 12/6 ——————————— October 23d. 1827. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith Sir P. MUSGROVE Bot. of John ROBINSON 1827 £ S D June 12 1. Bowle “ “ 8 “ 6 1.. Hande “ “ 1 “ 6 July 10 1. Sile “ “ 1 “ 6 1 Dish “ “ “ “ 6 1 Print “ “ “ “ 6 ——————— £ “ “ 12 “ 6 Oct 23 satle ———————- 1827. [signed] John ROBINSON
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