1865 01 26 : 03 : Account for pipes for High Thickley

26 Jan 1865 (3). ACCOUNT FOR PIPES FOR HIGH THICKLEY. A fresh, very neat and clean printed billhead with an Inland Revenue one penny stamp. 9” x 5”. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. High Thickley. Fielding’s Bridge Brick and Tile Works, ……………………………………1865 Sir. G. MUSGRAVE TO W. REED AND Co., DR. 1864 ================================================================== Novr. 3rd. Supplied to Mr. TAPLIN “ 150 . 3 in Pipes 4 6 4. 750 . 3 “ Do. 1 2 6 “ 1500 . 2 inchs 5 3000 . 2 . 7 2000 . “ 15. 6000 . 2 Rail. 16. 600 . 3 in @ 3/- 18 0 24. 8000 . 2 in. Rail Decr. 5. 200 . 6 in 18 0 6. 160 . 2 in 150 . 3 4 6 7. 2800 . 2 in 13. 8500 . 2 “ Rail 1000 . 2 By Carts ————— 32.960 . 2 in @ 18/– 29 . 13 . 4½ Carriage on 22.500 @ 1/3 – 1 . 8 1½ ————————— 34 . 9 . 0 Settled Jany 26 / 65 [signed] W REED