1820 12 16 : 02 : Account of bank payments

16 Dec 1820 (2). ACCOUNT OF BANK PAYMENTS. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt. 5” x 6”. Cash paid by Messrs. ATKINSON CRAIG & Co. Bankers Penrith 1820 £ s d October 31. Mathw ATKINSON Esqr. cash paid on } account of the Carlisle Election } 11 : 1 : 8 Novr. 4th. Joseph GRANDJEAN on acct. of wages &c 14 : 10 : 0 – George WRIGHT Do 10 : 0 : 0 —————— £ 35 : 11 : 8 —————— December 16. 1820 Placed to Sir Philip MUSGRAVEs account thirty five Pounds 11s/8d paid by Messrs ATKINSON & CRAIG & Co to the above persons as per Bank Book. [signed] L S DIXON
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