1825 08 17 : Schoolmaster's account for teaching pupils

17 Aug 1825. SCHOOLMASTER’S ACCOUNT FOR TEACHING PUPILS. A neat detailed receipt. 7” x 7”. C R 271 James HOPE Schoolmaster £ 1 ~ 5 ~ 0 ——————————— August 17th. 1825. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE, Bart, To James HOPE Dr £ s d Thomas PUGMIRE one qr from } May 17th. to August 17th. 1825 } 0 “ 4 “ 0 John and Thomas WRIGHT, each } one qr } 0 “ 7 “ 0 Elizabeth and Sarah WATSON } each one qr } 0 “ 7 “ 0 Thomas WESTREN, one qr 0 “ 3 “ 6 John SHIELDS, one qr 0 “ 3 “ 6 ————— £ 1 “ 5 “ 0 ————— August 17th. 1825 Received the above by payment of Mr. DIXON, August 17th. 1825, by me [signed] James HOPE
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