1822 12 28 : Account and receipt for rum and gin

28 Dec 1822. ACCOUNT AND RECEIPT FOR RUM AND GIN. A fresh, very neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. C R 5 Thos. DIXON Rum & Gin £ 10 ~ 3 . 0 ——————————— Decembr. 28. 1822 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Howerby [or Flowerby?] Feby 18th 1822 Philip MUSGRAVE Bart Bot. of Tho DIXON 6 Gall 5 Pints Rum – 17/ 5 – 12 – 6 6¼ do –––– Gin –– 14/6 4 – 10 – 7½ ———————- £ 10 – 3 – 1½ ———————- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Howerby [or Flowerby?] Decr 28 1822 £ 10 – 3 – 0 Recd from Sir Philip MUSGRAVE per payt. of Mr L. S. DIXON Ten Pounds 3s/- for Spirit as per Bill Annexed –––––– [signed] Tho DIXON
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