1806 09 09 : Quarryman's account & receipt for stones

09 Sep 1806. QUARRYMAN’S ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR STONES. A neat and clean account and receipt. C R John TURNER Quarryman. 6 . 1 . 2 Septr. 9th. 1806. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ July 12 1806 The Heirs of Sir John MUSGRAVs To John TURNER Dr £ S D To 59 Coyns at 2d 0 “ 9 “ 11 To Walling Stons 242 Carts at 4d 4 “ 0 “ 8 To Hueing Stons 183 foot 1d¾ 1 “ 6 “ 8 To 2 Gateposts 0 “ 4 “ 0 ———————- £ 6 “ 1 “ 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 9th. 1806 Received of the executors of the late Sir John Chardin MUSGRAVE by payment of Joseph BRISCO six pounds one shilling & two pence for Quarry stones as per bill annexed Witness my hand [signed] John TURNER