1830 08 19 : Account & receipt for Farnham hops

19 Aug 1830. ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR FARNHAM HOPS. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt. Both letters are stuck together at their top left corner. C 214. R 97. Geo: WILKINSON Hops £ 9 ~ 15 ~ 0 ———————————— August 17th. 1830. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir / By Mr. HOWARDs directions I forward half a packet of Farnham Hops with the price & Carriage as under. 110 lb. Farnham Hops at 1/7½ 8 .. 18 .. 9 Proportion of Carriage to Penrith ~ 16 .. 3 ———————- £ 9 .. 15 .. 0 ———————- I am Sir Your most obt. Servt. [signed] Geo WILKINSON Greystoke Castle Sept 22. 1829 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greystoke Augt. 19. 1830 Dear Sir / I recd. yours of the 16th. inclosing a Cheque for £ 9 “ 15 “ 0 for half a packet of Farnham Hops which Mr. HOWARD procured for Sir C. MUSGRAVE I remain Dr Sir Yours truly [signed] Geo WILKINSON
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