1833 07 05 : Schoolmaster's accounts for tuition of pupils

05 Jul 1833. SCHOOLMASTER’S ACCOUNTS FOR TUITION OF PUPILS. Two fresh, very neat and clean accounts. Two pieces of paper stuck together at the top left corner. The second, larger account has a two pence impressed duty stamp. Received of Lady MUSGRAVE, by payment of Mr: DIXON, this fifth day of July, one thousand, eight hundred, and thirty three, the sum of Four Shillings, and Sixpence for the Tuition of John SHIELDS from Decr: 10th: to March 11th: I say – Recd: by me, 4 S. 6 D. [signed] Thomas IRELAND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received of the Revd: Sir C: J: MUSGRAVE, Bart., by payment of Mr: DIXON, this fifth day of July, one thousand, eight hundred, and thirty three, the sum of Three Pounds, Two Shillings, and Four Pence for the Tuition of the following Pupils, viz, –– S D Thos: WRIGHT from Octr: 29th: to June 18th: = 11 “ 4 Thos: NOBLE from Novr: 5th: to June 18th: = 11 “ 0 Thos: DALTON & Sarah WATSON from Novr: 12th: to June 18th: = 1 “ 1 “ 4 John KENDALL from Decr: 3rd: to June 18th: = 9 “ 8 Thos: DAWSON from Decr: 17th: to June 18th: 9 “ 0 ————— I say – Recd: by me, £ 3 “ 2 “ 4 [signed] Thomas IRELAND
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