1844 02 13 : Account for bone dust

13 Feb 1844. ACCOUNT FOR BONE DUST. A neat and clean detailed account. 5” x 7”. C 420. R 177. Mw: ROBINSON Bone Dust £ 16 “ 0 “ 0 ——————————— February 13. 1844 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir. Geo. MUSGRAVE Bart. 1843 To Mattw ROBINSON May 27 to 8 qurs of Bone Dust £ S D at 20/ per qur 8 “ “ June 3 to 8 qurs of Do at 20/~ 8 “ “ —————- £ 16 “ “ 1844 Feby 13 Recd 16 “ “ For Mattw ROBINSON [signed] Mattw. LAYCOCK

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