1818 11 03 : 01 : Detailed carriage builder's repair account

03 Nov 1818 (1). DETAILED CARRIAGE BUILDER’S REPAIR ACCOUNT. A neat and clean account and receipt. C R 17 Ino. DAWSON repairg. Carriage &c £ 11 ~ 6 ~ 10 ———————————— Novr. 3d. 1818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Penrith 1818 Sir Philip MUSGROVE Bart. To Ino DAWSON £ s d Aug 8th. To a new Body Spring & setting the other } three Springs of Tilberry } 1 “ 1 “ 0 A new Shackle & bolt to Spring 0 “ 1 “ 6 Taking of 2 Locks & setting 2 keys to 1st 0 “ 2 “ 6 Do. wheels Greasing & 4 leather washers 0 “ 2 “ 0 Easing the drop box lid, Cleaning leather pasting Cloth up &c 0 “ 2 “ 0 Sept 3rd To a new Plate Glass Largish size / 2 “ 15 “ 0 fitting in & taking to Edenhall 5 “ 0 22nd To Cutting of the Hooks of Chariott Wheels taking of felocs & cutting down the Spokes with 2 new Ones 0 “ 15 “ 0 To New felocing a Set of Wheels for Do 3 “ 5 “ 0 To 14 Stone of best Sweedish Iron, nails &c to 1* at 6/8 per Stone 4 “ 13 “ 4 To fitting the Boxes to the arms 0 “ 10 “ 0 To Greasing the wheels with Mlortion [?] & } 12 new Leather washers } 0 “ 7 “ 6 To mending Seven wrench & screwing up the Bolts of Carriage &c 0 “ 4 “ 0 To mending the toole pieces, covering 2 Splinter bar sockets &c & new Cleaning & seling the splash Leather, washing off Body &c 0 “ 7 “ 0 To Covering the Pole with new Leather 0 “ 14 “ 0 To a large Water Brush 3/6 / & spoke brush 2/6 “ 6 “ 0 ————————- Contra Cm £ s d £ 15 “ 10 “ 10 By an Old Gig 3 “ 3 “ 0 4 “ 4 “ 0 Old Iron of Wheels 1 “ 1 “ 0 ————————— £ 11 “ 6 “ 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ s d 11 “ 6 “ 10 Receivd of Mr. DIXON on account of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. the Sum of 11£ “ 6s “ 10d being in full for repairing Carriage &c this 30th. of Octr. 1818 [signed] Jno. DAWSON
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