1848 06 12 : 07 : Carlisle music master's account & receipt

12 Jun 1848 (7). CARLISLE MUSIC MASTER’S ACCOUNT & RECEIPT. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impressed duty stamp. Henry Edmund Ford was organist at Carlisle Cathedral from 1842 – 1899. C 84. R 52. H: E: FORD Music Master £ 26 “ 18 “ 6 ————————- June 10. 1848. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlisle. June 7th 1848 Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart to H. E. FORD Dr. £ . s . d 12 Professional Visits to the } Miss MUSGRAVES from March } 25 . 4 . 0 15th to May 31st. £ 2 . 2 . 0 } each Visit } August 25 / 47. Fantasia on airs from Anne BOLEYN. GLOVER “ 4 . 0 There is no home like my own HERZ “ 2 . 0 By the Margin (Duet) CZERNY “ 3 . 0 March 15th / 48. Fantasia on Robert } BRUCE CROISER } “ 2 . 6 Fantasia on a Gabaletta of ROSINI “ 2 . 6 No. 5 of 6 Italian Duets. CZERNY “ 3 . 0 Fantasias On Airs sung by Jenny LIND “ 3 . 6 Do –– on “La Quateuse. ROSELLEN “ 3 . 0 No 3 of Trois airs favoris (Duet). CZERNY “ 5 . 0 No. 3 of Trois airs de ballet. HERZ “ 3 . 0 Il Brindisi de “Lucrezia Borgia” BURGMULLER “ 3 . 0 —————— £ 26 . 18 . 6 ======= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carlisle. June 12th 1848 === Received from Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart: the sum of Twenty six pounds, eighteen shillings & sixpence for professional attendance &c from March 15th to May the 31st. 1848. £ 26 . 18 . 6 [signed] H. E. FORD