1865 : Builder and builders' merchant's account

1865. BULDER AND BUILDERS’ MERCHANT’S ACCOUNT. A long and detailed account. 10 folio pages noting prices for a wide variety of tasks, from painting and lettering wine labels, to decorating the New Cottages. The materials and paints used are also recorded, and the total bill amounted to just over £277.00. Some original fold marks, but in very good state. 330 mm x 200 mm. 1864-1865. Only the first page (with the bottom end cut off) is shown on the scan. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. PENRITH Xmas 1864 Sir Geo. MUSGRAVE Bart, Edenhall To William SCOTT & Son [Coat of Arms with CARVERS & GUILDERS. Royal Beasts] House, Sign and Ornamental Painters. AMOR ET OBEDIENTIA GLAZIERS, PLASTERERS, PLUMBERS, WATER & GAS FITTERS. IMITATORS OF WOODS AND MARBLES. GALVANIZED IRON PIPES, Baths, Water Closets, Pumps & every description of Plumber Work, BRASS & OTHER FITTINGS. done on the best Principles. ================================================================== 1864 Hall Account . Jany 13 To 1 Sq of Glass per KENDAL “ “ 8 “ 18 Painting & lettering 3 Cart Plates “ 3 ~ Feby 3 3½ lb Plumbers Solder 2/11, ¼ day horse & Conveyed 1/3 “ 4 2 8 St ¾ in Patr. Lead Pipe @ 3/9½ 1 10 4 1 St Milled Lead 3/6 Laths 1/. Plas lined 6d “ 5 ~ man 8½ hours 4/2 labourer 6½ hours 1/6 “ 5 8 “ 6 man & Appr. 1 day Plumbing at Mr DIXONs “ 6 6 “ 13 man & Appr. 6 hours ea repg. Water pipes in Park “ 4 6 ½ day man horse & Conveyance taking material “ 2 6 Repairing Casement 1/6, 1 Sq Glass put in 9d “ 2 3 Mar 5 man 1 day whitewashing Ceilings “ 4 ~ 4½ St ¾ in Lead Pipe @ 3/9½ “ 17 . ¾ 9 lb Plumbing Solder @ 10d “ 7 6 “ 19 man & boy 1¼ day ea repairg pipes in Park “ 8 9 April 12 6 lb Whiting 6d, 1 lb Yellow Ochre 3d “ “ 9 1 lb Umber , ¾ lb best Glue “ 1 1 May 27 8 St 2 lb White Lead @ 5s/10d 2 7 6 “ 28 2 cwt Washd Whiting @ 8/- “ 16 “ 3 St Yellow Ochre @ 3/6 “ 10 6 2 St umber @ 4/8 7 lb Red @ 3d “ 11 1 14 lb Kess [?] Glue 14/. 7 lb Umber @ 8d “ 18 8 2 lb Black @ 6d 4 lb driess @ 8d “ 3 8 6 gal 1 qt Raw oil @ 4/4 per Gal 1 7 1 1 gal Turpentine 9/- 2 Gal Bd. oil @ 4/8 “ 18 4 1C . 3 . 0 White Lead 4 1 8 NO. 4, CORNEY PLACE, MIDDLEGATE, HIGH PRESSURE VALVES, GLAZED EARTHENWARE SOCKET TILE PIPES.
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