1821 10 17 : Receipt for 60 saddles for Yeomanry Cavalry

17 Oct 1821. RECEIPT FOR 60 SADDLES FOR YEOMANRY CAVALRY. A fresh, very neat and clean receipt.. 3” x 8”. Some scribbled calculations (apparently trying to work out the price of each saddle) on the left edge of the document have not been transcribed. C R 143 FAWCET & NANSON 60. Military Saddles £ 258 ~ 0 ~ 0 —————————————— Oct. 17th. 1821 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Received 17 Oct 1821. of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE (per Payment of ATKINSON CRAIG & Co) Two Hundred & Fifty Eight Pounds, being the amount of our Bills, for Sixty Saddles furnish to his Troop of Yeomanry Cavalry. [signed] Wm. FAWCETT £ 258 ~~ [signed] Robt NANSON
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