1754 09 30 : 02 : Account for slate for Blackwell Hall

30 Sep 1754 (2). ACCOUNT FOR SLATE FOR BLACKWELL HALL. A fresh, very neat and clean account/receipt. 4” x 6”. Sr: Ph: MUSGRAVE Bt: Dr to Joseph SEWELL Roods yds: To 2 = 37 of Slate & Car: from Chalk to } £ : s : Blackhall Demn: at 2£ : 5s : 0 per } 6 : 4 : 0 30th: Septr: 1754. Recd: of Sr: Phil: MUSGRAVE Bart: by Christo: DOBSON Six pounds & four Shillings in full of the above Accot: of Slate to Blackl: Hall had the last Year by me [signed] Joseph SEWELL
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