1848 10 05 : Quarter master's troop disbursements

05 Oct 1848. QUARTER MASTER’S TROOP DISBURSEMENTS. A fresh, very neat and clean detailed account. 8” x 7”. C 102. R 227. George DIXON Troop Payments £ 7 “ 2 “ 6 —————————— October 5. 1848 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ George DIXON, Troop Disbursements 1848 1848 £ s d May 18 Pd. 30 Men at Drill at Penrith, 2s/6d each 3 15 0 June 2 “ Geo: FOSTER, Spirits for Troops on pay day } after permanent duty } 1 7 6 12 “ John VARTY, Innkeeper, Eden Hall 1 yr. 2 0 0 —————- £ 7 “ 2 “ 6 ======== 1848 Octr 5 Received of Sir George MUSGRAVE Bart. Seven Pounds 2s/6d the amount of Sundry Troop Payments made as above by me. [signed] George DIXON Qr. Mr.

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