1824 01 12 : Account for adverts in Carlisle Patriot newspaper

12 Jan 1824. ACCOUNT FOR ADVERTS IN CARLISLE PATRIOT NEWSPAPER. Billhead from 1824. Hand written entries into this printed form are transcribed in italics. Sir P. MUSGRAVE Edenhall To the Proprietors of the Carlisle Patriot. THE CARLISLE PATRIOT is Published by R. SCOTT, in the Market Place, Carlisle, at an early hour every Saturday Morning, and is most extensively circulated throughout Cumberland, Westmorland, and in the neighbouring Counties, as well as in a very general manner over the other parts of the Kingdom. It contains the earliest and most authentic information – and is a very desirable medium for the Publication of all kinds of Advertisements. 1823 To advertising Novr. 9th. 16th. 23d. 30th. Decr. 7th. 28th. Jany. 4th Barron Wood & Bewley Castle farms to let 8/- 2 “ 16 “ 0 July 12th. 19th. Wood for Sale 8/- 0 “ 16 “ 0 Octr 25th Novr. 1st. 8th. 15th. 22d. 29th Demesne & Housegill farms to let 7/- 2 “ 2 “ 0 Novr. 29th. Decr. 6th. 20th. 27th. Wood for Sale “ 1 “ 8 “ 0 ——————- 7 “ 2 “ 0 Cr. By Cash pr. Mr. DIXON February 13th. 1823 3 “ 4 “ 0 ——————- 1824 £ 3 “ 18 “ 0 Jany 12th ======= Settl’d [signed] John WALDIE
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