1817 09 06 : Account & receipt for making 56,166 bricks

06 Sep 1817. ACCOUNT & RECEIPT FOR MAKING 56,166 BRICKS. Fresh, neat and clean account and receipt. The receipt has an impresses duty stamp. C 157 R 268 Thos. LEWIS making Bricks £ 69 ~ 6 ~ 6 ———————————— September 6th. 1817 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. To Thomas LEWIS Dr. 1817 £ s d August To making 56,166 Bricks, Duty } included, at 23s/– per thousand } 64 ~ 11 . 6 To Hugh WRIGHT leading or Carting water 4 ~ 0 . 0 To 3 Moulds½ 4s/, 2 Bowls 1s/– & 4 shovels 5s/6d = –– 10 . 6 To METCALF hooping Moulds – “ 4 . 6 ——————- £ 69 “ 6 “ 6 56 166. [166 rubbed out] ——————- 23 ——————- 168 112 —————— 2 / 128 / 3 —————- 64 . 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £ 69 “ 6 “ 6 Edenhall September 6th. 1817 Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart by payment of L S DIXON Sixty Nine Pounds Six Shillings & sixpence for making 56.166 Bricks &cc per annexed Bill by me [signed] Thomas LEWIS