1818 08 15 : Receipt for making 118,499 bricks

15 Aug 1818. RECEIPT FOR MAKING 118,499 BRICKS. A neat and clean receipt. 3” x 8”. Scribbled calculations at bottom of receipt not transcribed. C 177 R 253 Thos. LEWIS makg. Bricks £ 136 ~ 5 ~ 6 ——————————- August. 15 . 1818 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edenhall August 15th. 1818. Received of Sir Philip MUSGRAVE Bart. by payment of L S DIXON One Hundred & thirty Six Pounds Five Shillings & sixpence for making 118499 Bricks at 23s/- per thousand, by me ––– [signed] Thmis LOWIS ———————— £ 136 ~ 5 ~ 6 ————————
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